"Play the Man, Master Ridley"
There's a speech, from Fahrenheit 451, that Captain Beatty gives to Montag. If you're familiar with the book, you know the one. It talks about censorship, about equality, about ridding our world of all that makes us uncomfortable. Of...purification through fire. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it these past couple of days: Beatty's speech.
All of the things that made humans uncomfortable came to be removed from their lives. They pushed away everything that made them hurt. Until finally, they didn't have to push it away anymore, their government just did it for them, the firemen burned the ideas for them, because the people had ASKED THEM TO, because that's what they needed right? If it made you feel uncomfortable, take it away. If it made you feel inferior or less intelligent or disagreed with, TAKE IT AWAY.
So they did. They took it away.
Everything was simplified, had been made easier, brighter, louder. Fair and equal were made synonymous. The problem was, in taking away all the things that made them uncomfortable, they took away everything.
The ideas that you agree with might make someone else feel uncomfortable, so they'll take those away too, until somewhere down the line, there's a generation that doesn't have ideas. Ideas don't exist. They don't think or create; they simply soak in, absorb.
"We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitution says, but everyone made equal. Each man the image of every other; then all are happy, for there are no mountains to make them cower, to judge themselves against."
If they had really paid attention, they'd have been able to see it coming. The issue is, we never do. But for the past couple of days, it's all I've been able to think about: what's coming. Let me tell you, I don't think Bradbury was too far off.
That novel has themes that you don't agree with, it tells a truth that makes you uncomfortable?
The article has too many words that you don't recognize? It makes you feel stupid?
He wasn't on your side of the Facebook argument?
You're unhappy politically?
You know what, actually, that's all too heavy: let's talk about something else.
Let's see how many sports teams' mascots you can name in thirty seconds;
let's take a Buzzfeed quiz to decide which is really the superior sitcom;
let's memorize dances on TikTok.
Now, look at all of the things that you've accomplished. Look how talented you are; look how smart you are. You are FULL of knowledge - I'll bet you can recite every lyric to the new Post Malone song, and some of those words flow fast.
Cram yourself full of "facts," of "information." Don't worry about all of the other stuff. It's too slippery. It makes people sad; it makes people disagree. This is better - you're happy now.
Can you see it coming? Are you afraid? I am. I think we should be, but there are also ways that we can take control of our lives, our communities, our situations, there is a bigger-picture way that we can help.
I would like to take the opportunity, in this time of fear and confusion and pain, to remind the humans that I love, whose opinions I agree with, and whose opinions I would argue against, how important it is to use your voice. LET ME PLEASE REMIND YOU THAT YOU HAVE ONE.
I'd like to request, (actually I'd like to demand, but you're entitled to your choices): THAT YOU VOTE. I'd like to remind you that this is an election year (like we could forget), and that so much more than just your vote for president is important.
Do you have an opinion on the way that your police force operates? GOOD. Use your local elections to vote in representatives that will oversee that police force with responsibility.
Do you have an opinion on specific statutes and issues in your state? Do you want to see a bill passed or a law changed? GOOD. Vote in senators and representatives that will fight for you.
There are so many things that you can do in your own communities to allow your voice to be heard, to allow your opinions to matter, but the one that I will beg of you to use until my voice is gone IS YOUR VOTE.
Whether yours disagrees with mine or not, you have a voice. Please don't ever sit back and watch that voice be taken from you, from others. Do your research, and use your vote like a weapon: it is one.
Do not accept an evil you can change.
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